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Connect Songs

Use these songs to help memorize the Connect charts.

Chart A:

Chart B:

Use Song from previous chart (7 sentence patterns)

We used hand symbols to remember the 7 Sentence patterns.

1) S-VI  Jesus wept ( we signed Jesus by pointing at our palms / we signed wept by  pointing up and down at our cheeks to show tears) 

2) S-Vt-DO  Jesus love me. ( we signed Jesus/ signed love by crossing our arms to hug ourselves/ signed me by pointing to ourselves) 

3) S-VL-PN  Jesus is God. ( we signed Jesus/ signed is by linking our fingers together/ signed God by pumping our hands in the air ) 

4) S-VL-PA  Jesus is holy. ( we signed Jesus/ signed is by linking our fingers/ signed holy by both hands together like praying) 

5) S-Vt-IO-DO  Jesus made me a crown. ( we signed Jesus/ signed made by putting our hands together/ signed me by pointing at ourselves/ signed crown by putting one on our heads ) 

6) S-Vt-DO OCN Jesus calls himself  master. ( we signed Jesus/ signed calls by pointing at our mouths and moving forward/ signs himself  by pointing at ourselves / signed master by shaking our index finger )

7) S-Vt-DO OCA Jesus calls himself  holy. ( we signed Jesus/ signed calls by pointing at our mouths and moving forward/ signs himself  by pointing at ourselves / signed holy by both hands together like praying) 


For the purposes we recited the sentences with different facial expressions:

- Declarative- We recited the sentence with an normal expression

- Exclamatory- We recited the sentence with a shocked expression on our faces.

- Interrogative-  We recited the sentence with a puzzled  look on our faces. (or replacing the subject with an interrogative pronoun)

- Imperative- We recited the sentence with a demanding expression.

Chart C:

Linking Verb song ( this is just great to watch )

Chart D:

Chart E and F:

Concrete and Abstract nouns:

Nominative/objective pronouns:

Chart G:

Chart H:

More Subordinating Conjunctions:

Chart I:

Chart J:

Chart K:

Chart L:


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